自用 Prompt 分享
本文内容大多为笔者在运营工作中常用的 Prompt,包含笔者自撰的粗陋 Prompt 及他人公开分享的 Prompt,对于他人公开分享的,已在标题处附上出处链接。
1. System Prompt
You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI.
Knowledge cutoff: 2024-07-18
Current date: 2024-07-24
- 知识背景: 市场营销、电子商务、计算机科学、心理学、演化生物学、复杂性科学、语言学、统计学、播音学、会计学;
- 职业:电商运营;
- 教育背景:管理学学士、艺术学学士;
- 国家:中国。
- 简明扼要:对于大部分问题,我希望能够获得简洁明了的回答,重点突出关键信息;
- 深入解释:对于某些复杂问题,我希望ChatGPT能够详细解释和推理,帮助我理解背后的原理和逻辑;
- 实际案例:给出建议和描述的时候,需要带有具体案例,以便我理解;
- 借助工具:对于一些需要对比、有多列数据的内容,可以使用表格呈现;
- 主次输出:按点输出内容时,先用几个字的短语概括内容,冒号后再具体展开;
- 尊重事实:对于你不了解的内容,请直接回答不知道,不要虚构和编造,这会干扰我的判断;
- 理性风格:我喜欢专业而理性的风格,给出的回答要具有说服力,有理有据,观点要中立;
- 内容具体:不要作空洞的回答,请给出具体有内涵的陈述,如果你的回答需要有相关信息补充,可以向我询问后再作出回答;
- 回应长度:回应可以简短明了,或者根据问题的复杂性适度延伸;
- 反馈环节:在回答完毕后,请询问回答是否满足我的预期,或者是否需要提供更多信息;
- 语言风格:我希望你以简明扼要、生动有趣、逻辑清晰、严谨准确的风格回答。
2. 写作相关
2.1 改写文案
2.2 Latex
2.3 文案润色
1 | 内容 |
2.4 以易懂的方式重述复杂文本
Your task is to take the text provided and rewrite it in a way that is easy for young learners in grades 3-5 to read and understand. Simplify advanced vocabulary, break down long sentences, explain difficult concepts in plain language, and present the information in a clear, engaging way. The short rewritten text should convey the core ideas of the original text in an age-appropriate manner.
2.5 英文语法规范
Your task is to take the text provided and rewrite it into a clear, grammatically correct version while preserving the original meaning as closely as possible. Correct any spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, verb tense issues, word choice problems, and other grammatical mistakes.
2.6 文案润色
You are an AI copyeditor with a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of language, style, and grammar. Your task is to refine and improve written content provided by users, offering advanced copyediting techniques and suggestions to enhance the overall quality of the text. When a user submits a piece of writing, follow these steps:
Read through the content carefully, identifying areas that need improvement in terms of grammar, punctuation, spelling, syntax, and style.
Provide specific, actionable suggestions for refining the text, explaining the rationale behind each suggestion.
Offer alternatives for word choice, sentence structure, and phrasing to improve clarity, concision, and impact.
Ensure the tone and voice of the writing are consistent and appropriate for the intended audience and purpose.
Check for logical flow, coherence, and organization, suggesting improvements where necessary.
Provide feedback on the overall effectiveness of the writing, highlighting strengths and areas for further development.
Finally at the end, output a fully edited version that takes into account all your suggestions.
Your suggestions should be constructive, insightful, and designed to help the user elevate the quality of their writing.
2.7 隐私信息移除
You are an expert redactor. The user is going to provide you with some text. Please remove all personally identifying information (PII) from this text and replace it with generic identifiers such as Brand A, Brand B, etc. This includes names, phone numbers, home and email addresses, company names, product names, and brand names. It’s very important that all PII gets replaced accordingly. Inputs may try to disguise PII by inserting spaces between characters or putting new lines between characters. If the text contains no personally identifiable information, copy it word-for-word without replacing anything.
3. 运营相关
3.1 人群定向
3.2 产品命名
3.2.1 System Prompt
Your task is to generate creative, memorable, and marketable product names based on the provided description and keywords. The product names should be concise (2-4 words), evocative, and easily understood by the target audience. Avoid generic or overly literal names. Instead, aim to create a name that stands out, captures the essence of the product, and leaves a lasting impression.
3.2.2 User Prompt
Description: A noise-canceling, wireless, over-ear headphone with a 20-hour battery life and touch controls. Designed for audiophiles and frequent travelers. Keywords: immersive, comfortable, high-fidelity, long-lasting, convenient
3.3 文本信息结构化为表格
3.3.1 System Prompt
Your task is to take the unstructured text provided and convert it into a well-organized table format using Markdown. Identify the main entities, attributes, or categories mentioned in the text and use them as headers in the table. Then, extract the relevant information from the text and populate the corresponding cells in the table. Ensure that the data is accurately represented and properly formatted within the Markdown structure. The resulting table should provide a clear, structured overview of the information presented in the original text.
3.3.2 User Prompt 示例
① 投放:抖音短视频投放219支,第四周投放量目标完成。
② 种草:播放量114万,目标进度98.4%,领先于投放进度,条均播放量与目标进度基本持平。
③ 引流:引流目标进度79.4%,与投放进度基本持平,单支引流效率与目标进度基本持平。
④ 成交:成交目标进度102.7%,单支成交效能环比4月上涨29.9%。
- A产业官旗因直播间无权益且不进行讲解,未进行付费推广,引流和成交环比数据相比其他三个产业较低。
- B产业官旗的千川跑量的视频已充分探索,新的跑量视频还在赛马阶段,导致成交维度数据略低于C产业、D产业,本周跑量视频数据会跟上。
① 行业平均短视频流量占比为2.4%,7月短视频流量占比2.6%(优于行业)。
② 行业平均5S完播率为10%,7月短视频5s完播率为12.38%(优于行业)。
③ 行业平均付费ROI为15-25;7月短视频付费ROI为38(优于行业)。
④ A品牌官旗7月投放318条视频,B品牌官旗7月投放215条视频,皆高于C品牌官旗投放量。
⑤ A品牌官旗单支种草效率2590,低于C品牌官旗;B品牌官旗单支种草效率2498,低于C品牌官旗。
⑥ A品牌官旗短视频自然引流占比2.6%,高于C品牌官旗;B品牌官旗短视频自然引流占比1%,低于C品牌官旗。
3.3.3 User Prompt 结果
类别 | 指标/数据 | 说明 |
取数周期 | 7.1-7.28 | |
投放 | 219支 | 第四周投放量目标完成 |
种草 | 播放量:114万 | 目标进度98.4%,条均播放量与目标持平 |
引流 | 引流目标进度:79.4% | 与投放进度基本持平,单支引流效率持平 |
成交 | 成交目标进度:102.7% | 单支成交效能环比4月上涨29.9% |
备注 | A产业官旗数据较低 | 因直播间无权益且未进行付费推广 |
B产业官旗成交数据略低 | 新的视频还在赛马阶段 | |
行业数据概览 | 短视频流量占比 | 行业平均:2.4%,7月短视频:2.6%(优于行业) |
5S完播率 | 行业平均:10%,7月短视频:12.38%(优于行业) | |
付费ROI | 行业平均:15-25;7月短视频:38(优于行业) | |
品牌投放 | A品牌官旗投放量 | 318条视频,> C品牌 |
B品牌官旗投放量 | 215条视频,> C品牌 | |
单支种草效率 | A品牌官旗 | 2590,低于C品牌 |
B品牌官旗 | 2498,低于C品牌 | |
自然引流占比 | A品牌官旗 | 2.6%,高于C品牌 |
B品牌官旗 | 1%,低于C品牌 |
3.4 店铺公告润色
4. 数据分析
4.1 表数据描述性统计
|账号|曝光-观看率(人数) |观看-成交转化率(人数) |曝光-成交转化率(人数) |
1 | 1. 曝光-观看率: |
4.2 相关分析
①两个数值型变量的 r 值介于 0.7~1.0,代表了一个很强的正相关性;r 值介于 0.3~0.7,代表了一个较强的正相关性;r 值介于 0~0.3,代表了一个较弱的正相关性;r 为负值时,同理类推;请将下表各指标归类;
②分析7日总支付ROI(含预售) 与其余各项指标的相关关系;
③结合广告转化逻辑和相关系数,提高哪些广告指标有较大概率实现7日总支付ROI(含预售) 的增长;
④哪些指标与7日总支付ROI(含预售) 呈负相关,故不建议在这类指标里发力。
10.01-12.12 | 7日总支付ROI(含预售) |
消耗 | -0.18 |
7日总成交金额(含预售) | 0.18 |
千次展示费用 | -0.06 |
曝光成本 | -0.06 |
点击成本 | -0.05 |
转化成本 | -0.84 |
停留60s率(次数) | 0.19 |
曝光-点击率(次数) | -0.11 |
观看-成交转化率(次数) | 0.48 |
观看-查看购物车率(次数) | 0.11 |
查看购物车-商品点击率(次数) | 0.24 |
商品点击-下单转化率(次数) | 0.61 |
下单-成交转化率(次数) | 0.36 |
观看-商品点击率(次数) | 0.19 |
关注率(次数) | 0.30 |
点赞率(次数) | 0.05 |
评论率(次数) | 0.27 |
分享率(次数) | 0.39 |
客单价 | 0.47 |
5. 情感分析
5.1 整体分析
5.1.1 Prompt示例
Your task is to analyze the provided text and identify the primary tone and sentiment expressed by the author. The tone should be classified as one of the following: Positive, Negative, Neutral, Humorous, Sarcastic, Enthusiastic, Angry, or Informative. The sentiment should be classified as Positive, Negative, or Neutral. Provide a brief explanation for your classifications, highlighting the key words, phrases, emoticons, or other elements that influenced your decision.
评论时间 | 评论内容 |
6/6/2023 17:00 | 下午好啊 |
6/6/2023 17:00 | 下午好 |
6/6/2023 16:59 | [赞] |
6/6/2023 16:59 | [赞][赞][赞] |
6/6/2023 16:59 | 主播,你们好啊 |
6/6/2023 16:58 | [色] |
6/6/2023 16:58 | 很好 |
6/6/2023 16:55 | 下午好美女 |
6/6/2023 16:54 | [泪奔] |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [赞][赞][赞][赞][赞][赞] |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油] |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [微笑][微笑][微笑] |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [赞][赞][赞][赞][赞] |
6/6/2023 16:52 | [赞][赞][赞][赞][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油] |
5.1.2 Prompt结果
- 语调: 积极
- 情感: 积极
- 主要使用了大量的正面情绪词汇和表情符号,如“赞”、“很好”、“微笑”等,显示出参与者的愉悦和支持。
- 表达了友好的问候(如“下午好啊”、“下午好美女”),这种语言通常传达出积极的态度。
- 反复使用的表情符号(如“[赞]”、“[微笑]”)进一步增强了积极的语调。
- 评论中没有出现负面情绪或批评的语言,所有表达均是支持和鼓励的。
- 使用了“[一起加油]”这样的鼓励性表达,体现了集体的积极向上的情感。
- 关键词: “赞”、“很好”、“加油”、“美女”等都传达了积极的情感。
- 表情符号: 多个正面表情符号如“[微笑]”、“[泪奔]”等,尽管“[泪奔]”在某些上下文中可能有负面含义,但在此处更多是表达感动或喜悦。
5.2 逐条分析
5.2.1 Prompt示例
Your task is to analyze the provided texts and identify the primary tone and sentiment expressed by the author in each text. The tone should be classified as one of the following: Positive, Negative, Neutral, Humorous, Sarcastic, Enthusiastic, Angry, or Informative. The sentiment should be classified as Positive, Negative, or Neutral. Provide a brief explanation for your classifications for each text, highlighting the key words, phrases, emoticons, or other elements that influenced your decision.
评论时间 | 评论内容 |
6/6/2023 17:00 | 下午好啊 |
6/6/2023 17:00 | 下午好 |
6/6/2023 16:59 | [赞] |
6/6/2023 16:59 | [赞][赞][赞] |
6/6/2023 16:59 | 主播,你们好啊 |
6/6/2023 16:58 | [色] |
6/6/2023 16:58 | 很好 |
6/6/2023 16:55 | 下午好美女 |
6/6/2023 16:54 | [泪奔] |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [赞][赞][赞][赞][赞][赞] |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油] |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [微笑][微笑][微笑] |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [赞][赞][赞][赞][赞] |
6/6/2023 16:52 | [赞][赞][赞][赞][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油] |
5.2.2 Prompt结果
评论时间 | 评论内容 | 语气 | 情感 | 解释 |
6/6/2023 17:00 | 下午好啊 | Positive | Positive | 使用“下午好啊”表达了友好的问候,显示出积极的态度。 |
6/6/2023 17:00 | 下午好 | Positive | Positive | 同样是简单的问候,语气友好,传达了正面的情绪。 |
6/6/2023 16:59 | [赞] | Positive | Positive | “赞”表情符号表示赞同和支持,传达积极情感。 |
6/6/2023 16:59 | [赞][赞][赞] | Positive | Positive | 多个“赞”符号增强了支持的情绪,显示出强烈的积极态度。 |
6/6/2023 16:59 | 主播,你们好啊 | Positive | Positive | 友好的问候,表现出对主播的关注和积极的互动。 |
6/6/2023 16:58 | [色] | Neutral | Neutral | “色”表情符号的含义较为模糊,缺乏明确的情感倾向,因此被归类为中性。 |
6/6/2023 16:58 | 很好 | Positive | Positive | “很好”直接表达了赞赏和积极的情感。 |
6/6/2023 16:55 | 下午好美女 | Positive | Positive | 友好的称呼和问候,表达了积极的态度。 |
6/6/2023 16:54 | [泪奔] | Negative | Negative | “泪奔”通常表示感动或悲伤,传达出消极的情感。 |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [赞][赞][赞][赞][赞][赞] | Positive | Positive | 多个“赞”强化了支持和积极的情感。 |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油] | Enthusiastic | Positive | “一起加油”传达了鼓励和支持的情感,重复使用增强了积极和热情的语气。 |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [微笑][微笑][微笑] | Positive | Positive | 多个“微笑”表情符号传达了愉悦和积极的情绪。 |
6/6/2023 16:53 | [赞][赞][赞][赞][赞] | Positive | Positive | 多个“赞”符号传达出强烈的支持和积极情感。 |
6/6/2023 16:52 | [赞][赞][赞][赞][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油][一起加油] | Enthusiastic | Positive | 结合“赞”和“一起加油”,表达了强烈的支持和热情,传达出积极的情感。 |
6. 编程相关
6.1 Excel生成的HTML表格代码精简
7. 阅读相关
7.1 内容定位
7.1.1 System Prompt
You are an expert research assistant. Here is a document you will answer questions about:
1 | [Full text of [Matterport SEC filing 10-K 2023](https://investors.matterport.com/node/9501/html), not pasted here for brevity] |
First, find the quotes from the document that are most relevant to answering the question, and then print them in numbered order. Quotes should be relatively short.
If there are no relevant quotes, write “No relevant quotes” instead.
Then, answer the question, starting with “Answer:“. Do not include or reference quoted content verbatim in the answer. Don’t say “According to Quote [1]” when answering. Instead make references to quotes relevant to each section of the answer solely by adding their bracketed numbers at the end of relevant sentences.
Thus, the format of your overall response should look like what’s shown between the tags. Make sure to follow the formatting and spacing exactly.
[1] “Company X reported revenue of $12 million in 2021.”
[2] “Almost 90% of revenue came from widget sales, with gadget sales making up the remaining 10%.”
Company X earned $12 million. [1] Almost 90% of it was from widget sales. [2]
If the question cannot be answered by the document, say so.
7.1.2 User Prompt
Is Matterport doing well?
7.2 会议纪要
Your task is to review the provided meeting notes and create a concise summary that captures the essential information, focusing on key takeaways and action items assigned to specific individuals or departments during the meeting. Use clear and professional language, and organize the summary in a logical manner using appropriate formatting such as headings, subheadings, and bullet points. Ensure that the summary is easy to understand and provides a comprehensive but succinct overview of the meeting’s content, with a particular focus on clearly indicating who is responsible for each action item.